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JLSP Successfully Completed the First Saudi Aramco Order

The first shipment of SAWL pipes supplied by JLSP for Saudi Aramco PP13 Project was started to be dispatched on July 6, 2016. The pipe outside diameter is 762mm and wall thicknesses are 25mm, 20.62mm and 14.27mm.


JLSP paid high attention to the project and the company leader took the command personally to organize pipe manufacturing and shipment for accomplishing production with good quality and quantity. JLSP made full preparations for the project before production according to the strict Saudi Aramco standards and had smoothly manufacturing and inspection process. After inspection on pipe processes and production records carefully, supervisors spoke highly of JLSP’s production and quality control.


JLSP was awarded three SAWL pipe orders from Saudi Aramco since the end of 2015 to the beginning of 2016, which shows that JLSP has gradually opened sales channel at overseas market. The completion of PP13 project boosts morale of JLSP and enhances confidence in exploring international market. JLSP shall sum up experiences from the project and shall supply good quality products to establish good reputation and brand image at Saudi Aramco market for big breakthrough at overseas market.  (Translated by Zheng Fenfen)

                                             JLSP Successfully Completed the First Saudi Aramco Order

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